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About three months ago I took a pregnancy test and saw two faint pink lines, so faint I had to squint to really see it. I was shocked that I had to take a few more tests just to bring myself to the reality of our pregnancy. Sadly, in March we went through a miscarriage that about shook me to my core, so I was pretty nervous seeing another postive pregnacny test. I almost didn’t want to get too excited just in case history was going to repeat itself. However, I did not want the past to steal my joy from this moment; this moment that God allowed to happen, and knew was going to happen.

I always wanted to do a fun reveal for my husband but never really had the opportunity due to our infertility journey, so I wanted to do something fun. To be honest I was surprised with myself that I didn’t just call/text him due to my lack of patience. But I did, and I waited until he got home. He picked us up our favorite Chinese food and we put the kids to bed and I told him I wanted to pray before dinner (usually he does that). I prayed and towards the end of my prayer I said, “...and Jesus thank you so much for the new baby in my belly, Amen.” Paolo looked up and said, “ how was...wait, WHAT?” It was priceless. I loved his expression; I loved how it took him a moment to realize what I had just said. We both got teary eyed and embraced the moment with joy!

I called my doctor the next day, letting her know the exciting news of our pregnancy. I wasn’t sure if she wanted me to come in early since I had a miscarriage a few months prior. I was about five weeks and she told me to come in when I was about seven weeks so we could hear the heartbeat and confirm the pregnancy. Let’s just say during those few weeks I was taking a pregnancy test daily and a little nervous for the doctor appointment. I finally went in to see my doctor and the nurse brought in the ultrasound machine and went ahead and checked for that sweet little heartbeat. I was very nervous and tense because of our last experience we didn’t even get to see a little heartbeat. Thankfully, we immediately saw that little flutter and heard a strong to my ears! My doctor told us we will be having an April baby. After leaving the doctor’s office I felt a sense of relief and we then called our families letting them know the good news and wanted their continued prayers for our new addition.

My husband has always wanted four BOYS. Can you believe that? Four boys. I truly haven’t really cared what I have but I always thought I would have four kids. Since I was so sick during my first trimester I thought I was having a girl. I heard a lot that when you’re pregnant with a girl you are usually more sick. We were so anxious to find out, and like I previously said, I am not a very patient person so I wanted to find out the gender of our baby as soon as we could. We ended up doing a blood test when I was about ten weeks and we tried hard to patiently wait for the phone call to hear what we were having. Sure enough, the gals called me from the doctor’s office and said, “You are a total BOY MOM.” You want to know what my instant thought was after hearing I was having my third boy? I want four boys now! Who thinks that...I haven't even had this baby and I’m thinking of a fourth! I need to calm down. Haha!

Well, here we are a few months later and I am about to walk into my second trimester. It was a rough first trimester of being pretty nauseous and tired ALL DAY. Having two littles under two at home has kept me so busy that it helps me forget I am feeling so sick. Both my boys are on the same afternoon nap schedule so I tend to join them and try and get some rest myself. Sometimes that is hard for me because I usually have a long list of things I need to get done but I try and put my physical needs first since that’s what’s best for me and the baby.

I am really looking forward to watching Anthony and Leo with their new baby brother one day. I know they are all going to be so close and will be each other’s biggest fans. We couldn’t be more thankful to God for our new sweet baby! I have heard after a miscarriage your next baby is your “rainbow” baby. I absolutely love this! After a storm we are seeing our rainbow. Our prayer will always be that we are able to raise our kids in a loving Christian home.

What’s next...well we are going to enjoy our two boys right now, enjoy this pregnancy (minus the nauseas part) and continue to praise God for all that He is doing. I am excited to continue my boy mom ride and try my best to be a good mommy for them. Thank you all for your encouraging words and prayers!

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Shawntel Newton
Shawntel Newton
Oct 13, 2019

Christina, yes...with all my boys I’ve had c sections. I recovered quickly and my doc said I could have up to 6 if I wanted and be ok! I won’t have six 🤣 but it was reassuring!


Christina brown
Oct 11, 2019

Personal question... do you have to have a csection with this precious boy ? If so, are you nervous about that? Is it bad to have 3 of them? Thanks for always being honest and answering everyone’s personal questions directly.


Oct 11, 2019

Congrats sweet friend!!


Shawntel Newton
Shawntel Newton
Oct 11, 2019

Haha thank you Carol. God is good ❤️


Carol Brandt
Carol Brandt
Oct 11, 2019

Congratulation! God is so amazing! I had 3 babies in 4 years. (Boy and 2 girls) Now the oldest is almost 50. People always ask me, “how did you do it?” Never even thought about it, I just did it! In retrospect, I prayed A LOT...and God showered me with Grace. They are best friends. Watching them become who God created them to be is one of my life’s best gifts. You will love having these 3 “guys.” And why not try for 4 and 5......A basketball team...with Dad as coach? 😂 Blessings and Love,


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