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"What makes you remarkable?” At least that’s what Veronica Peterson and her 3-year-old golden retriever are asking people. Veronica and her husband Bryan adopted Judge when he was the last pick of the litter, little did they know, this dog was going to change their lives completely. Judge was born with a rare birthmark formed on the left side of his face. Over the first few years of his life, his birthmark had begun to inspire others. His owners eventually quit their day jobs, sold their home, bought an RV and now travel with Judge as their co-pilot, on a campaign empowering people to live remarkable lives.

Our little Leo had the pleasure to meet Judge in November, full of slobbery kisses and snuggles, where Veronica was able to share more about their journey thus far. She shared with us how this experience has introduced them to some of the kindest and most wonderful people who are willing to share their vulnerable stories. She has been humbled to be able to share peoples stories through Judge. She says, “We want to remind people that this is a country of truly unique, diverse and remarkable people!”

When asked the question, “What makes you remarkable?” I wanted to give the campaign an honest answer for Leo. At first I struggled with this question, I wanted to define Leo by his symptoms, or rather yet by his hindrances. And I had to pause because Sturge-Weber Syndrome does not make Leo remarkable, nor does the amount of surgeries he has had since he was born, or the number of laser treatments he has had. What makes our son Leo remarkable is his strength. He is a warrior, a loving brother, a beautiful son, a snuggle king, and a truly remarkable gift from God.

We are reminded in the book of Proverbs chapter 3 verses 5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This verse has brought so much comfort to us knowing that God is in complete control of Leo. God perfectly made Leo in the womb and his birthmark is absolutely reMARKable.

Check out more stories like Leo’s on @theremarkablegolden or visit their blog

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